2024 chicks:

1/31/24 Olive Egger, Noir Marans, Golden Comet, Cinnamon Queen, Black Sex Link, White Leghorn. **as of 2/13/24 chicks are still available. Prices start at $7.50 and increase weekly.

3/29-4/1 barred rock, golden comet, buff orpington, buckeye, blue rock, olive egger, black copper marans, lavender orpington. Preorder available. Selection is not guaranteed unless preordered

4/17/24 mixed breeds TBD. No preorder – first come, first served

5/3-5/6/24 barred rock, golden comet, buff orpington, buckeye, blue rock, olive egger, black copper marans, lavender orpington. Preorder available. Selection is not guaranteed unless preordered

6/8/24 mixed breeds TBD. No preorder – first come, first served

All birds are vaccinated and sexed at the hatchery. We begin chicks on medicated starter crumble here at the farm. Sexing has a 90% accuracy. We do not accept roosters back.

Please be prepared to provide your chicks with appropriate housing. CLICK HERE for info on care.


We do have a variety of pullets available. These are sold on a first come, first served basis. Please call the store for current availability and pricing.

For more information, please contact the store directly. (207)712.1433